Tuesday, June 19, 2018

June 20th, 2018: première of "Sunrise/曙" in Boulder, Colorado

There is a première of "Sunrise" on June 20th, 2018 in Boulder, Colorado.

for shakuhachi quintet

Scored for shakuhachi quintet, Sunrise was composed to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Shakuhachi Camp of Rockies. The title comes from the location where the camp is held, Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado as well as from Claude Monet’s famous painting, Impression, Sunrise (1872). Every morning we are offered the precious gift of a new day with the rise of the sun. A fusion between compositional elements found in traditional shakuhachi honkyoku and French Impressionist music, in this work I seek to evoke the qualities of youthfulness, vitality, and rebirth.

Sunrise will be premiered by David Wheeler, Christopher Blasdel, Riley Lee, Yōdo Kurahashi, and Kaoru Kakizakai at The Academy in Boulder, Colorado on June 20th, 2018.

Performance duration
ca. 10 minutes

Event link:-

Wednesday, June 20, 7:00PM

The Academy 970 Aurora Ave., Boulder 80302

Celebrating the 20th Shakuhachi Summer Camp of the Rockies at Sunrise Ranch, Loveland, CO., there is a special Pre-concert in Boulder!
Five top-level international artists from Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan, Sydney, Australia, Honolulu, HI and Boulder, CO—Yôdo Kurahashi, Kaoru Kakizakai, Christopher Yohmei Blasdel, Riley Kôho Lee and David Kansuke Wheeler will perform classical and modern solos and ensembles for the Japan's mystical bamboo flute, the shakuhachi. 

WORLD PREMIERE A special highlight of this concert is the world premiere of a shakuhachi quintet commissioned especially for this event. Sunrise, by Marty Regan, is inspired by Claude Monet's Impressionist painting of the same title, and aims at a blend of the Impressionist styles of Debussy, Ravel and others with the Zen-informed music of the shakuhachi.
TICKETS/INFO Visit Sunrise SHAKUHACHI or call Kansuke at 720-545-5595.
Advance purchase only. If you show up on the day-of, we let you in free. :)
This concert is presented as a benefit for the scholarship fund of the Shakuhachi Summer Camp of the Rockies, wth suggested donations of $20 general admission and $10 students and seniors. But you may pay as much or as little as you like; $0 and up!